There are currently 134 names in this directory beginning with the letter M.
macedonia (f.)fruit salad
macelleria (f.)butcher shop
maestrale (m.)north west wind
maestro (m.) di sciski instructor
manifestazione sportivasporting event
marmellata (f.)marmelade, jam
marrone chiarolight brown
mastro vetraio (m.)master glassmaker
matematica (f.) (lezione)math class
materia (f.)(subject) matter, substance
materia prima (f.)raw material
medico (m.)medical doctor
mensa scolastica (f.)cafeteria
mercatino (m.)market, flea market
mercato rionale (m.)local market
mestolo (m.)wooden spoon, ladle
metropolitana, metro (f.)subway, underground
mettere a postoto put away
mettere d'accordoto work things out
mezzo (m.)transport, means
mezzogiorno (m.)midday, noon
mezzogiorno (m.) (vento)southern wind
mi bastait is enough for me
microscopico (m.)microscopic
minestra (m./f.)vegetable soup
mobile (m.)furnishing, furniture
mocassino (m.)loafer, moccasin
moda (f.) giovaneyouth fashion
montare una tendato pitch a tent
mora (f.) (alimento)blackberry
mostrareto show, to display
mozzarella (f.)mozzarella
muratore (m.)construction worker
musica (f.) etnicaethnic music