There are currently 83 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
baby sitter (f.)babysitter
bambina (f.)child, baby (girl)
bambino (m.)child, baby (boy)
bar (m.)coffee shops, bar, coffe house
barca (f.) a motoremotorboat
barca (f.) a velasail boat
bassa pressionelow barometric pressure
basta vederesuffice it to look at
bel tempo (m.)good weather
berretto (m.) di cotonecotton cap
bicchiere (m.) di cristallocrystal glass
bicchiere (m.) di vinoa glass of wine
bigiottiere (m.)craftsman of costume jewelry
biglietteria (f.)ticket office
biglietto (m.) di auguribirthday greeting card
bisnonno (m.)great grandfather
borsa (f.) di pelleleather bag
braccio (m.) cortoshort arm
brioche (f.)pastry, brioche
brutto tempo (m.)bad weather
budino (m.) al cioccolatochocolate pudding
buon compleannohappy birthday
buon NataleMerry Christmas
buongiornogood morning, good day