There are currently 67 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
la prima voltathe first time
la rosa dei ventiwind star
laboratorio (m.)laboratory
lampadario (m.)lighting fixture, chandelier
latino (m.) (lezione)latin class
lavandino (m.)sink, wash basin
lavare la macchinato wash the car
lavatrice (f.)washing machine
lavorazione calzaturefootwear workmanship
lavorazione della pelleleather goods workmanship
leccarsi i baffito smack one's lip
letteratura (f.)literature
lettino (m.) (del bambino)cradle, small bed
letto (m.) a due piazzedouble bed
libeccio (m.)south west wind
libreria (f.)bookcase, bookshelf
lista (f.)(shopping) list
locomotore (m.)locomotive
lungomare (m.)seafront, board walk