There are currently 96 names in this directory beginning with the letter G.
gara (f.)competition, race
gelataio (m.)ice-cream maker
gelateria (f.)ice-cream parlor, icecream shop
giacca (f.) a ventowindbreaker
giornalaio (m.)magazine vendor
giornale (quotidiano) (m.)newspaper
giornalista (m./f.)journalist
giostra (f.) a cavallicarousel
giubbino (m.)jacket, waist jacket
giunchiglia (f.)jonquil, narcissus, daffodil
giurareto swear (take an oath)
glacialeglacial, icy, ice-cold
goccia (f.) (di pioggia)raindrop
golf (m.)cardigan, sweater
gommone (m.)rubber dinghy, inflatable
granita (f.)slush, water ice
grappolo d'uva (m.)bunch of grapes, cluster
grattacielo (m.)skyscraper
grazie millea thousand thanks
grazioso (m.)pretty, charming, sweet
grecale (m.)north east wind
grembiule (m.)smock, apron
gruppo di amicigroup of friends
guanto di lana (m.)woolen glove
guardareto look at, to watch
guida (f.) turisticaguide