Tra scarpe e borse



• The teacher asks students to bring old magazines or mail order catalogues. They choose the most interesting photographs and prepare a series of cards that will be used to do exercises.The cards can be used:
• to do individual work involving description/identification of objects;
• to guess a character;
• to write a conversation expressing satisfaction and preferences.



NESSUNO is only used in the singular. It is a negative form and does not require “non” when it precedes the verb.
On the contrary, when NESSUNO follows the verb it requires “non”.
Ex.: Nessun passeggero è sceso dal treno.
Dal treno non è sceso nessun passeggero.

ALCUNO is used in the singular and in the plural, but it has different meanings.
ALCUNO singular in negative sentences is the same as NESSUNO.
Ex.: Non c'è alcun motivo per partire subito.
Non c'è nessun motivo per non partire subito.

ALCUNO in the plural, in positive sentences, has the meaning of QUALCHE and it indicates some indefinite number.
Ex.: Ci sono alcune cose interessanti in vetrina.
C ’è qualche cosa interessante in vetrina.